All Invited to Attend VETERANS DAY CEREMONY on Monday, November 11

Ceremony Will Be Held in Draper Memorial Park at Conclusion of Parade

The members of Citizens for Milford invite all area veterans and residents to attend a special ceremony on Veterans Day, Monday, November 11 in Draper Memorial Park, weather permitting. The ceremony will begin immediately following the conclusion of the Veterans Day Parade at approximately 11:00 a.m.

Participating in the ceremony will be local veterans, clergy, and the Milford High School Marching Band. Members of the Italian American War Veterans Milford Post #40 will present the Colors. The Grand Marshall of this year’s Veterans Day Parade, Robert Pavia (U.S. Army veteran), will be the ceremony’s first speaker. U.S. Marine Corps veteran Michael Aghajanian and Bob Savin, who is Lead Coordinator for Irreverent Warriors of Massachusetts, will also make remarks. Participating clergy will include Father Dan Collier of Trinity Episcopal Church and Reverend Peter Joyce, Pastor of St. Mary of the Assumption Church. A member of the Waters Corporation Veterans Employee Resource Group will present a wreath honoring veterans at the World War I monument. Milford Fire Lieutenant Scott Keefe will perform “Amazing Grace” on the bagpipes during the wreath presentation. Peter Scandone, who is chairman of the Veterans Day Ceremony Committee, will serve as master of ceremonies.

The Milford’s Veterans Day Parade and Ceremony offer everyone in the community an opportunity to demonstrate our support and gratitude for all the Milford men and women who have valiantly served our country. We encourage everyone to join us on Main Street for the parade and at Draper Park for the concluding ceremony to honor the service and sacrifice of our veterans. – Peter Scandone

The Field of Flags, a tribute to the service and sacrifice of our veterans and active military personnel, will be installed in Draper Memorial Park prior to Veterans Day and remain flying until the Monday after Veterans Day. Parade and ceremony attendees are invited to walk among the flags and monuments in Draper Park and read the names of the veterans and active military who are memorialized and honored there.

A limited number of chairs will be available for attendees at Draper Park.

If the parade is cancelled due to rain, the ceremony will be held at the Italian American War Veterans of the U.S. Post #40 Hall (4 Hayward Field) beginning at 10:00 a.m. If the weather is poor but the parade still marches, the ceremony will be held at the Italian American War Veterans of the U.S. Post #40 Hall beginning at approximately 11:00 a.m. Please check the Citizens for Milford Facebook page ( if the weather looks questionable.

The Veterans Day Parade is organized by the Milford Department of Veterans Services. Please address questions regarding the parade to this office in Town Hall at 508.634.2311. Questions regarding the Veterans Day Ceremony can be emailed to

Speaker Biographies

Retired Milford Police Detective Robert Pavia is a disabled U.S. Army veteran of Operation Desert Storm. Robert served the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a police officer with both the Transit Police in Boston and the Milford Police Department for a combined 22 years. He retired in 2022 after sustaining a spinal injury while performing his official duties. He is the recipient of both the Trooper George L. Hanna Medal of Valor and the Boston Police Medal of Honor. Robert currently serves as the Senior Vice Commander of the Italian American War Veterans Post #40.

Bob Savin is the Local Coordinator for Irreverent Warriors in Milford and Worcester. He has been a volunteer with the organization since 2017 and a resident of Milford for 19 years. Bob is passionate about fostering camaraderie among veterans and supporting their mental health through community events.

Michael Aghajanian served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves from 1997 to 2005, following in the footsteps of his late father, also a Marine. Activated after 9/11 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, he spent about 18 months on active duty, during which he met his wife. In 2004, he worked for 13 months with the Chief of Staff of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force in Fallujah, Iraq before leaving the Marines as a Sergeant in 2005. A third-generation Milford resident, Michael continues to serve his community as an elected School Committee member, Town Meeting member, and member of the High School Building Committee.

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