Town Election 2025

Citizens for Milford is pleased to announce a pre-election project that we recently completed in partnership with the Town Clerk’s office and Milford TV, a special edition of The Milford Informer titled “Get Ready to Run: Town Election 2025.”  

Included in this special feature is a series of interviews with representatives of every committee, board, or position that will be on the ballot this April. Milford TV News Director Tim Caouette leads the program in an interview with Town Clerk Amy Neves and Assistant Town Clerk Danielle Petrowski discussing what a resident needs to know to run for Town office. Their interview is followed by interviews with 12 other elected officials explaining what one does as a member of the Select Board, School Committee, Planning Board, Board of Assessors, as a Constable, as a Town Meeting Member…and all the other offices that will be on the April 2025 ballot. The interviews provide residents interested in becoming more involved in the community information about the elected positions and most importantly, educate voters when they prepare to vote in the April election.

This two-hour program is available to watch BELOW, as well as on Milford TV’s YouTube channel here

You can also watch each of the interviews separately. Find all the interviews as separate videos  in the Citizens for Milford playlist on Milford TV’s YouTube channel here

Important Note
The Water Commission is not included in this feature because we were not able to secure an interview with any of the commissioners. Because we did not want to omit this board from the series, we created a short interview between two members of Citizens for Milford discussing the responsibilities of a Water Commissioner based on information researched on the state website. You can watch that particular interview as a separate video here.

What Positions Are Up for Re-election?

According to the Town Clerk, the following people are up for re-election in 2025:

  • Select Board (3 year term): Michael Walsh
  • Board of Assessors (3 year term): Paul Simas 
  • Board of Health (3 year term): Paul Mazzuchelli
  • Library Board of Trustees (3 year terms): Stephanie Abisla and Sarah Moazeni
  • Parks Commissioner ( 3 year term): Scott Crisafulli
  • Sewer Commissioner (3 year term): Richard Cenedella
  • School Committee (3 year terms): Robyn Bratica and John Erickson
  • Housing Authority (5 year term): Jennifer Walsh
  • Planning Board (5 year term): Marble Mainini
  • Trustees for Vernon Grove Cemetery (3 year terms): Frederick Elliott and Paul Boisclair
  • Constables (3 year terms)Robert Sheedy, Nadine Ladeau, Raymond Pagucci, Mark Calzolaio, Charles Skaff
  • Water Commissioner (3 year term): Jonathan Bruce

Town Meeting Member Open Seats

  • Precincts 1-8:  Ten seats, 3 yr. terms (top 10 vote getters will fill seats)
  • Precinct 1: One open seat, 1 yr. term and Three open seats, 2 yr. terms
  • Precinct 2: Three open seats, 2 yr. terms
  • Precinct 3: Eight open seats, 2 yr. terms
  • Precinct 4: One open seat, 1 yr. term and Eight open seats, 2 yr. terms
  • Precinct 6: Six open seats, 2 yr. terms
  • Precinct 7: One open seat, 1 yr. term & Four open seats, 2 yr. terms
  • Precinct 8: One open seat, 1 yr. term and Two open seats, 2 yr. terms

NOMINATION PAPERS for all elected offices in Milford’s April Town Election, including Town Meeting members, will be available Monday, January 6, 2025. If you are interested in running for an elected position, including  Town Meeting, the Town Clerk’s Office requests that you reach out to them in advance so they can prepare the nomination papers for you. Email: | Phone: 508-634-2307