Highway Surveyor to Discuss Plans for
Downtown Holiday Decorations
Citizens for Milford invites all residents of Milford who are interested in working on projects that improve the community to attend a public meeting on Tuesday, September 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the Granite Room of the Milford Town Library, located at 80 Spruce Street.
Highway Surveyor Scott Crisafulli will discuss the status of plans for adding year-round holiday decorations to Main Street. Other agenda topics include downtown revitalization, proposed reforms to town meeting, and our plans for a Candidates Forum to be held October 23rd, at which the incumbents and their opponents for state senator and state representative will speak, debate, and answer questions from the public.
We encourage anyone who is interested in learning more about our work and projects to come, listen, and share your ideas for additional projects. Feel free to bring a friend or neighbor!