Downtown Revitalization and Community Beautification
- Citizens for Milford volunteers worked with the Highway Surveyor in 2014 to plan the installation of American flags and seasonal decorations on Main Street downtown.
- Citizens for Milford partners with the Friends of the Milford Upper Charles Trail to organize Milford Beautification Day in late April each year.
- Citizens for Milford has partnered with the Milford Corps of the Salvation Army to organize the Draper Memorial Park Field of Flags, a tribute acknowledging the service and sacrifice of our veterans and active military personnel with a display of American flags to be placed in Draper Memorial Park on five patriotic holidays every year. We successfully launched this project Veterans Day, November 11, 2016. Learn more.
Voter Engagement and Information
- The Citizens for Milford website provides key information for area voters, from instructions on how to vote, information regarding the candidates in current races, and everything you wanted to know about Town Meeting and how it works.
- Each year Citizens for Milford organizes and hosts Candidates Forums featuring candidates in the Milford Town Election and candidates in the state election.
Town Meeting Reforms
Citizens for Milford has formed a committee (approved by the Board of Selectmen) to research how the process of Town Meeting can be improved to ensure every vote is a well-informed vote. To learn more, click here.