Monthly Archives: April 2019

NOW Accepting New Flag Sponsorships for Draper Park Field of Flags in Time for Memorial Day Display

Honor a Veteran, Active Member of the Military, or All Veterans by Sponsoring a Flag for a $60 Donation

Citizens for Milford is continuing its partnership with the Milford Corps of the Salvation Army to expand the Draper Memorial Park Field of Flags, a tribute acknowledging the service and sacrifice of our veterans and active military personnel with a display of American flags placed in Draper Memorial Park on five patriotic holidays each year. The next display will be installed this Memorial Day.

All area citizens, organizations, and businesses are invited to sponsor a 3′ x 5′ American flag to fly on a 10′ staff in Draper Memorial Park for a $60 donation. Each flag will include a yellow ribbon with an attached card naming the person being honored, the honoree’s military branch and years of service, and the sponsor’s name. Sponsors can choose to honor a veteran (alive or deceased), an active member of the military, or all our nation’s veterans. Sponsors can also choose to include a photograph to be attached to the name card.

A $60 donation paid this spring sponsors a flag in Draper Park for the following patriotic holidays in 2019: Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day.

IMPORTANT! If you paid for a flag sponsorship last November, you do NOT need to fill out a new form or send money. The sponsorship donation you paid last year will keep your flag flying through Labor Day this year. If you want to sponsor a NEW flag, you do need to complete the form and send a donation check.

Field of Flags Chairperson Peter Scandone says, “We are truly grateful to everyone who has chosen to sponsor a flag as a visual testament to the heroism of our many local veterans and active duty service members. We are eager to accept new sponsorships to continue increasing the sea of flags in Draper Memorial Park.”

To sponsor a flag for the Draper Memorial Park Field of Flags project, citizens need to complete the sponsorship form and mail it to the address provided on the form with a $60 check made out to the Salvation Army before May 15. Requests for a sponsorship form can be submitted by email to

You can read more details about this project here.

Draper Memorial Park occupies a triangle of land in the downtown Milford area, located at the intersection of Congress Street and Main Street. The park features monuments that list the names of veterans who served during World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. Standing tall in the park is the statue of General William Franklin Draper by sculptor Daniel Chester French, whose work also includes the massive marble statue of Abraham Lincoln in the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. The care and management of Draper Memorial Park falls under the authority of the Milford Parks Commission and Milford Veterans Services. Citizens for Milford is grateful for both office’s enthusiastic support for this project.

Ask Questions About Town Meeting Articles at the Pre-Town Meeting Forum on May 15

The Town Meeting Study and Improvement Committee (TMSIC) will be hosting the Pre-Town Meeting Forum on Wednesday, May 15 at 7:00 Upper Town Hall.

This event provides an opportunity for all Milford residents—not just Town Meeting members—to listen to presentations about 10 to 12 different articles on the Town Meeting warrant and to ask questions. A secondary goal of this forum is to promote a greater understanding of Town Meeting.

A sample of the articles to be discussed include the following. The complete list of articles is listed in the agenda.

  • Article 11: Increase the Board of Selectmen from Three to Five Members
  • Article 18: Change the Annual Town Election Date from April to November
  • Article 13: Purchase Fees for the Milford Water Company
  • Article 12: Health Insurance for Surviving Spouses of Town Empl0yees
  • Article 15: Police Chief Services

You can find additional information in the following documents:

Milford Beautification Day 2019 a HUGE Success

THANK YOU MILFORD! Over 130 Volunteers of All Ages Worked to Beautify Milford This Year–the Most Volunteers Ever!

Citizens for Milford and the Friends of the Milford Upper Charles Trail once again teamed up to organize the Fifth Annual Milford Beautification Day on April 27, 2019. A cloudy, blustery day did not deter intrepid volunteers from the hard work of picking up all kinds of trash on Milford’s streets, parks, and trails.

The Friends expanded Beautification Day efforts this year with an opportunity for families with kids to plant hostas at Louisa Lake and a fulfilled request for Daisy Scouts to weed the butterfly garden on the trail. For the second year, Girl Scouts distributed free tree seedlings.

Although our trash recon efforts earlier this week revealed a cleaner Milford than last year, plenty of areas were in need of a good pick up. Four pick-up trucks gathered all the bags of trash, as well as miscellaneous large items that had been dumped around town. One truck reported having collected 70 bags plus a glass metal table, multiple items of upholstered furniture, a refrigerator, 70″ TV, two tires, one mattress, three doors, wooden bench, keyboard, and a shovel–all now safely delivered to the Transfer Station. A second truck delivered six truck loads of bags, four grocery carts, ten tires, and one sofa. The third truck delivered 120 bags. Yep, that’s right—120 bags of trash!

Citizens for Milford extends a sincere THANK YOU to EVERYONE who helped! In particular, we thank the Friends of the Milford Upper Charles Trail, Milford Highway Department, Milford Board of Health, and Republic Services for supporting our efforts. We also thank the volunteers from the Worcester County Sheriff’s Community Service Program and from Milford Federal for jump starting our clean-up efforts on Thursday and Friday.

And MORE thanks go to Milford residents who gave up part of their Saturday to participate in this community effort, including members of the following groups: Daisy Troops 64892, 64940, 65017; Brownie Troops 64720 and 30016; Girl Scout Troop 11276; Scout BSA Girl Troop 219; Milford MA Rotary Club; The Milford Youth Center; St. Mary of the Assumption Confirmation Class; and Milford High School Honor Society and Connections Program! Everyone worked hard and it SHOWS!

Working together, we can KEEP MILFORD BEAUTIFUL!

Check out all our photos in our Facebook album! You can view the photos even if you do not have a Facebook account.

Milford Beautification Day Is Saturday, April 27

All Milford Residents Invited to Help Us Make a Clean Sweep of Our Community! Watch Our Quick VIDEO INVITATION!

Citizens for Milford is organizing its Fifth Annual Milford Beautification Day, Milford’s annual clean-up event, which enables area residents, organizations, and businesses to work together to beautify our community by picking up trash around town. Milford Beautification Day will be held Saturday, April 27th (rain or shine) from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. All interested citizens are invited to meet with organizers anytime between those hours in the municipal parking lot across from Sacred Heart Church (5 East Main Street) to get supplies, instructions, and assignments.

Families, community groups, churches, local businesses, and teenagers who need to perform service hours are all invited to participate. Younger children are encouraged to attend as long as they are accompanied by a supervising adult. 

Event co-sponsor Friends of the Milford Upper Charles Trail will be expanding their Beautification Day efforts this year. In addition to organizing the clean-up of the Trail, they will also be working with interested families to help plant a flower garden near the Trail entry at Louisa Lake.

Trash bags, gloves, and water will be provided to all clean-up volunteers. Top soil, mulch, and plants will be provided to the volunteers who work on the garden project. The clean-up supplies are being donated by Republic Services, and the Friends of the Milford Upper Charles Trail are donating the planting materials.

In conjunction with the efforts being organized for Beautification Day, Citizens for Milford has also arranged for volunteers from the Worcester County Sheriff’s Department Community Service Program to initiate the Beautification Day work by conducting a clean-up of main streets around town on April 25 and 26.

Questions regarding any of the Beautification Day efforts may be submitted by email to

The two event sponsors are sincerely grateful for the assistance and donations provided by the Milford Board of Health, the Milford Highway Department, Republic Services, and the Worcester County Sheriff’s Department Community Service Program.

Friends of the Milford Upper Charles Trail is a 501(c)(3) non-profit volunteer organization formed in 2005 to benefit the Town of Milford and surrounding areas, working diligently and in cooperation with the Town of Milford Parks and other departments, various community groups, and interested parties to educate area residents about the recreation and transportation opportunities offered by the Milford section of the trail; promote the use, development, enjoyment, and care of the Milford section of the trail; and raise and expend funds to support trail maintenance and improvements for the benefit of the residents of the Milford area. Information is available on the organization’s website ( and Facebook page (


Congratulations 2019 Town Election Winners

And THANK YOU to EVERYONE Who Served Our Town by Running for Office!

Unofficial polling results for the Milford Town Election from the Town Clerk’s office show that 2,266 votes were cast, which is 13% of Milford’s total registered voters. 

Mike Walsh will retain his seat on the Board of Selectmen. James Ligor will also retain his seat on the School Committee. He will be joined by John Erickson. Margaret Myatt and Stephanie Abisla will take seats on the Library Board of Trustees. All incumbent constables will retain their positions. Scott Vecchiolla retained his seat on the Vernon Grove Board of Trustees; Kristen Gardner will join him on that board.

Congratulations to all the winners, and THANK YOU to everyone who threw their hats in the ring! We truly appreciate your service to our Town!

Read the complete unofficial results here.