On Monday, May 18th, Milford Town Meeting members will be voting on nearly four dozen articles. One article of particular interest to every Milford citizen is Article 21, which will allow the Milford Farmers Market to operate in specific residential zones (classified as RA) instead of being restricted to commercial zones. Although the exact future location of the Farmers Market has yet to be determined, their goal is to host the Farmers Market in a downtown location with plenty of pedestrian traffic and parking. The grassy grounds of either Stacy or Memorial School are the targeted locations. Passage of Article 21 would pave the path to realizing this goal.
Citizens for Milford supports the Farmers Market’s efforts to move to a downtown location and recommends a “yes” vote on Article 21.
The Milford Farmers Market is a truly valuable asset to our community. Not only does the market provide convenient access to locally grown produce and associated goods, it also provides the opportunity for friends and neighbors to gather in a clean, quiet, and family-friendly atmosphere. Allowing the market to operate downtown will provide the added benefit of walkability to Town Park, as well as the restaurants and shops on Main Street.
Although the zoning change being requested by Article 21 is not specific to the current Milford Farmers Market, there are protections built into the process so that other groups that might like to host their own markets in the future would first be required to seek a special permit—just as the current Milford Farmers Market group will have to do.
If you are a Town Meeting member, please support the Milford Farmers Market by voting “yes” on Article 21. If you are not a Town Meeting member, please ask the members in your precinct to vote “yes.” A list of Town Meeting members by precinct, as well as the complete Town Meeting warrant, are available for easy download below.
Thank you,
John Seaver and Steve Trettel
Co-Chairmen, Citizens for Milford
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