Monthly Archives: May 2014

Milford Town Meeting Votes to Transfer Land to Conservation Commission; Funds to Renovate the Armory Also Approved

Milford Town Meeting voted last night to approve the transfer of land in the sensitive area by Louisa Lake to Milford’s Conservation Commission. Because the ultimate transfer of land to the Trustees of Reservations had been removed from the article by the Board of Selectmen prior to Town Meeting, that option was not up for vote. However, several Town Meeting members urged the town to consider transferring the land to the Trustees at a later date.

Milford Town Meeting also approved the expenditure of over $5 million to facilitate the critical renovations needed at the Armory in order for it continue to serve as a safe venue for the Milford Youth Center.

To read the news coverage in the Milford Daily News, click here.

Board of Selectmen Vote to Revise Article 17

Milford’s Board of Selectmen voted Monday, May 12 to remove all references to transferring land to the Trustees of Reservations from Article 17, which is included in the warrant to be voted on at Town Meeting on May 19. Instead, Article 17 will now only seek to transfer the town-owned parcels of land in question to the Milford Conservation Commission. Chairman Dino DeBartolomeis and Selectmen Bill Buckley both voted to make this change. Selectman Brian Murray was unable to attend the meeting.

Citizens for Milford co-chairmen John Seaver and Steve Trettel had presented their concerns about transferring Milford’s land to an outside entity to the Board of Selectmen at their previous meeting. At that meeting, Seaver and Trettel encouraged the Selectmen to consider simply transferring the land to the Conservation Commission as an alternative to transferring to the Trustees.

Repeal the Casino Deal Needs YOU!

Do you feel that the
MassMa state with CasiNOachusetts casino bill was passed into law on Beacon Hill without regard to your opinion? Do you think you should have had the opportunity at the ballot box, to vote up or down on whether or not to allow casinos in our state? Repeal the Casino Deal (RTCD) wants all Massachusetts voters to make that determination. They are working hard to get that question on the November ballot!

Casinos in Massachusetts continue to be a hot topic and as people learn more about the gaming industry and the selection process that has unfolded in Boston, support for the law among voters is dwindling. Polls now show that the tide is turning; more people have expressed a desire to repeal the casino law and Casino-Free Milford played a HUGE role when we delivered such a decisive victory! 


Thousands of registered voter signatures must be collected in the next 35+ days. They can be collected in your neighborhoods, at ball fields, school events, etc. We can also organize 2 hour time slots to stand in front of local grocery stores, the post office, etc.


This is the final step in the ballot initiative process. If you believe that this law was forced upon the residents of this state and that voters should have been allowed to make this decision, then PLEASE consider volunteering some time to collect signatures.

Sheets are available now and signature collection will continue through June 11th. This is a Herculean effort and ANY and ALL help is appreciated! Please email

Let’s work together to allow ALL Massachusetts voters the right to vote for or against casinos in our communities!

Thank you,

John Seaver, Steve Trettel, and Cathy Mitchell
Citizens for Milford

To learn more about RTCD, visit their website.