Monthly Archives: August 2017


Milford CARES will be holding the COMMUNITY FORUM ON RECREATIONAL IN MILFORD Tuesday, September 12th  at 7:00 p.m. in the Upper Hall of Milford Town Hall, located at 52 Main Street in Milford. This event is intended for all Milford citizens who have lingering questions regarding the September 19th Special Town Election on recreational marijuana and the consequences of living with recreational marijuana establishments in our community.

Milford CARES Chairwoman Donna Niro urges all Milford residents who are concerned about recreational pot shops, especially those who are still looking for answers, to attend. Niro stated, “The legalization and commercialization of recreational marijuana is a new frontier for Massachusetts. The September 12th forum will provide the opportunity for everyone in Milford to learn more about what allowing pot shops here could mean to our kids’ health, public safety, and the integrity of our family community from our knowledgeable line-up of speakers who will present the facts about this critical issue.”

The forum will include presentations by several speakers, all of whom will also sit on a panel to answer questions from the audience as time permits. State Representative Brian Murray will provide an overview of the Massachusetts marijuana law. Senator Viriato M. deMacedo (Plymouth and Barnstable), who was a member of the Massachusetts Special Senate Committee on Marijuana, will identify lessons learned from Colorado in the three years since recreational marijuana was legalized and commercialized there. Dr. Jeffrey Hopkins (Medical Director, Emergency Services, Milford Regional Medical Center) will speak about public health issues. Members of Milford’s Board of Selectmen and School Committee, as well as other community leaders, will also share their perspectives on this critical issue.

Regarding the panel discussion to be held following the speakers’ presentations, Niro stated, “We intend to allow as many Milford residents as possible to ask questions of our panel members and to be given honest answers. Our goal is to have everyone who attends go home feeling like they have the answers they need to make the right decision at the ballot box on September 19th.”

Interested citizens can learn more on the Milford CARES web page and Milford CARES Facebook page.

Help us spread the word! Download and print our event flyer.