Town Meeting Passes Farmers Market Article

On May 18th, Milford Town Meeting passed all but one of the articles on the warrant, including Article 21, which will allow the Milford Farmers Market to operate in specific residential zones (classified as RA) instead of being restricted to commercial zones. Citizens for Milford supported this article and thanks everyone who advocated on behalf of the Farmers Market by either discussing the issue with your Town Meeting member or by voting on it as a Town Meeting member. 

Although Article 21 passed, the Milford Farmers Market will continue to operate at the Milford Water Company this year. Opening day is scheduled for Saturday, June 6 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The Farmers Market will run each Saturday through September 26. We look forward to seeing you there!

For more information about the Milford Farmers Market, check out their website and Facebook page:


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