All Milford Voters Invited to Attend Candidate Forums on March 22 and 23 in Upper Town Hall

Come at 6:30 p.m. to meet the candidates! Both forums will start at 7:00 p.m.

Citizens for Milford, in partnership with Milford TV, invites all Milford voters to attend two Candidate Forums featuring the candidates in the three contested races in Milford’s upcoming town election.

The first forum will be held Tuesday, March 22 at 7:00 p.m. and will feature the candidates running for Planning Board and Parks Commission. The second forum will be held Wednesday, March 23 at 7:00 p.m. and will feature the candidates running for School Committee. Both forums will take place in Upper Town Hall. The candidates have been invited to meet voters beginning at 6:30 p.m. before each forum begins. These events are free and open to the public.

Citizens for Milford members José Costa and Geri Eddins will moderate the forums. Each forum will begin with a two-minute opening statement from each of the candidates. A highlight of each forum will be the exchange of challenge questions between the opponents. Following the challenge questions, the moderators will invite audience members to pose questions to the candidates.

Milford voters who are unable to attend the forums are encouraged to send their questions for the candidates in advance by email ( or by Facebook messenger (@CitizensforMilford). In addition, Citizens for Milford will accept questions during each live broadcast by email (, Facebook messenger (@CitizensforMilford), and by phone. The phone number will be displayed on the TV screen during each broadcast. The moderators will make every effort to ensure as many voter questions as possible are posed to the candidates.

Milford TV will broadcast both forums live on the public channel (Comcast 8 | Verizon 38), Verizon channel HD 2140,, and the Milford TV app. In addition, Milford TV will record the forums for on-demand viewing and will rebroadcast them in the days leading up to the election on April 5. Citizens for Milford will also provide links to each video on its website and Facebook page as soon as they are available.

Questions can be emailed to

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