Seated at left table: Moderators Geri Eddins and Tom Harmon. Seated at right table: BOARD OF HEALTH CANDIDATES Loriann Braza and Diana Haynes.
Citizens for Milford hosted the eleventh Candidate Forum on April 13 at Milford Town Hall. The forum featured the candidates vying for positions on the Milford Board of Health and the Milford School Committee. THANK YOU to those in attendance who posed questions, as well as those who submitted questions in advance and texted, emailed and messaged via Facebook during the forum. We wish we had enough time to pose all of your outstanding questions!
We would especially like to thank each of the candidates for their willingness to serve the town of Milford by running for office and for spending time answering questions on the minds of voters. THANK YOU to MILFORD BOARD OF HEALTH CANDIDATES: Loriann Braza and Diana Haynes and MILFORD SCHOOL COMMITTEE CANDIDATES: Gregory Allegrezza, Meghan Hornberger, Christopher Wilson, and Matthew Zachilli.
We also extend A HUGE THANK YOU to our partners at Milford TV for their live coverage of the event. WATCH THE FORUM VIDEO HERE.

Candidates for Milford School Committee (L to R): Gregory Allegrezza, Matthew Zachilli, Christopher Wilson, and Meghan Hornberger.
- The DEADLINE to register to vote for MILFORD’S LOCAL ELECTION is March 23rd by 5:00pm.
- The DEADLINE to apply for a Vote by Mail application for this election is March 26th by 5:00pm. (allow mailing time)
*Photos By Kim Smith and Steve Eddins