Field of Flags Sponsorship Deadline Is May 18

Don’t Miss Out! Send Your Sponsorship Form NOW!
Citizens for Milford and the Milford Corps of the Salvation Army are excited to announce that the Field of Flags will return to Draper Memorial Park this May to commemorate Memorial Day. The flags are installed on three patriotic holidays each year (Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Veterans Day) to honor the service and sacrifice of our veterans and active military personnel.

All area citizens, organizations, and businesses are invited to sponsor a 3′ x 5′ American flag to fly on a 10′ staff in Draper Memorial Park for a $40.00 donation. Previous sponsors are encouraged to renew their flag sponsorship for another year and will receive an enrollment form either by email or U.S. mail.

Sponsors can choose to honor a veteran (alive or deceased), an active member of the military, or all our nation’s veterans.

Each flag includes a yellow ribbon with an attached card naming the person being honored, the honoree’s military branch and years of service, and the sponsor’s dedication. Sponsors can personalize each flag by providing a photo if desired.

To sponsor a flag for the Draper Memorial Park Field of Flags project, complete this form and mail it to the address provided with a $40 check made out to the SALVATION ARMY before May 18. Requests for a sponsorship form can be submitted by email to

DON’T MISS OUT! A total of 215 flags can be installed.

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