The TOWN MEETING STUDY AND IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE Is Planning a Town Meeting Forum Wednesday, May 15 at 7:00 p.m. in Upper Town Hall
The Milford Town Meeting Study and Improvement Committee sponsored Pre-Town Meeting Forum will be held on Wednesday, May 15, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Upper Town Hall. The Forum is open to the public.
The purpose of the Pre-Town Meeting Forum is to provide an opportunity for Town Meeting members, as well as members of the public, to obtain answers to questions they may have regarding some of the articles contained in the May 20, 2019 Annual Town Meeting Warrant.
Sponsors of articles will be available to make brief presentations and to answer questions. The meeting is intended to provide knowledge about the various articles and not to advocate for or against a particular article. No votes or decisions concerning any of the articles in the Warrant will be made at this forum.
Town Meeting members and the public are requested to indicate what articles they would like to have addressed. Articles with the highest number of responses will receive special emphasis for discussion.
To submit a request for a particular article(s) that you would like to see addressed, please send an email to by April 17th. In the subject line please write “Pre-Town Meeting Forum,” and in the body of the email indicate the article number(s).
NOTE: The deadline for sending articles to be discussed at the meeting has been extended to April 17.
For those who do not use email, please mail the article number(s) you would like to see addressed to Town Meeting Study and Improvement Committee, Town Hall, 52 Main Street, Milford, MA 01757.