THANK YOU! Fundraising Goal for Revitalization of Draper Memorial Park Exceeded

Construction to be Completed by April 30 Weather Permitting

The fundraising campaign for the revitalization of Draper Memorial Park, launched by the Town of Milford and MassDevelopment and spearheaded by the War Memorial Revitalization Committee, generated nearly $90,000 this past fall. Donations from 170 patrons helped the fundraising efforts exceed its initial goal of $42,500 by nearly $5,000. The first $42,500 of the $47,230 raised was matched dollar for dollar by MassDevelopment.

Town Meeting awarded an additional $45,000 in funds to this vital community project on January 6, ensuring that all plans defined within the original scope of the project two years ago will be completed.

Over the winter residents can expect to see progress being made on the revitalization of the park. Attractive new metal benches will be installed, followed by extensive repairs to the brick work in all the seating areas and walkways. The brick work is being completed by Mountain View Inc. of Chicopee, Massachusetts and is planned to be finished before April 30 if the weather cooperates. Additional work to be completed includes repairs to the General Draper statue, as well as new lighting, landscaping, and irrigation.

We could not have raised these substantial funds without the generosity of many Milford residents, businesses, and organizations. We extend our sincerest gratitude to all our donors, as well as to MassDevelopment for providing the matching funds to help us realize our dream of a fully renovated and revitalized Draper Memorial Park.
– Chairman Peter Scandone

Many of the donations were made by individuals and families in amounts ranging from $10 to $1,000. Local civic groups and businesses also contributed. Civic organizations that donated are American Legion Sgt. John W. Powers Post 59, American Legion Auxiliary Sgt. John W. Powers Unit 59, Celebrate Milford, Citizens for Milford (in memory of Steven J. Trettel), Lawrence J. Heron Chapter 6 of Disabled American Veterans, Greenleaf Garden Club, Hopedale Foundation, Milford Junior Woman’s Club, and Milford Lions Club (in memory of David Ferreira). Business donors include Afonso Real Estate, Bella Caprice Salon, Buma Sargeant Funeral Home Inc, Ciccone Plumbing, Consigli Construction, Dewey Pest and Wildlife, Edwards Memorial Funeral Home, Emerald Irrigation, Milford Federal Bank, Rockland Trust, and Watson Colonial Funeral Home.

The War Memorial Revitalization Committee is planning a rededication ceremony once the work has been completed. Details will be announced at a later date.

About Draper Memorial Park
Draper Memorial Park occupies a triangle of land in the downtown Milford area, located at the intersection of Congress Street and Main Street. The park features monuments that list the names of veterans who served, as well as those who gave their lives, during World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. The park also includes a listing of Milford veterans who served in the Gulf War.

Standing tall in the park is the equestrian statue of General William Franklin Draper. Sculptor Daniel Chester French created the statue in 1912 in collaboration with architect Henry Bacon, who designed the granite pedestal on which the statue stands, as well as the park landscape. French and Bacon partnered again on the iconic Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.

Other monuments in Draper Memorial Park include the Powers boulder, which features a memorial plaque for Sergeant John W. Powers (a Milford veteran killed in World War I), and the historic Milford milestone, dated 1773, which marked the distance from Milford to Boston.

The care and management of Draper Memorial Park falls under the authority of the Milford Parks Commission and Milford Veterans Services.

About the War Memorial Revitalization Committee
The War Memorial Revitalization Committee (WMRC) is an Ad Hoc committee appointed by the Select Board. Its two-fold mission is to assist the Parks Department in the repair and revitalization of Draper Memorial Park and Calzone Memorial Park and to establish an ongoing maintenance plan that ensures the continued longevity of the parks and their structures for generations to come.

About MassDevelopment
MassDevelopment, the state’s finance and development agency, works with businesses, nonprofits, banks, and communities to stimulate economic growth. Through these collaborations we help create jobs, increase the number of housing units, revitalize urban environments, and address factors limiting economic growth including transportation, energy, and infrastructure deficiencies.

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