The Milford Flag Disposal Ceremony will be held on FLAG DAY, Wednesday, June 14 at the Italian American World War Veterans Of The U.S. Post 40 Milford, MA at 5:00 p.m.
This ceremony provides an excellent opportunity to dispose of a worn or tattered American flag. The flags will be burned following the ceremony, which is being presented by the Milford Veterans Advisory Council, and will include an opening by Chair Jo-Ann DeMaria Morgan. The “Voice Of The Flag” will be presented by Frank Andreotti, Jr., Peter Scandone, Steve Petak, and Ron Howland. The Color Guard will turn the flag sideways and gently drop it into the fire, folding the ends in towards the middle of the flame. Patriotic songs will be played, and song sheets will be available for the audience. All are welcome! #respecttheflag