THANK YOU Candidates, Voters, and Milford TV

Citizens for Milford extends its sincerest gratitude to all of the candidates in Milford’s upcoming Town Election for participating in our Candidate Forum series. We also thank Milford voters for viewing and sending in questions. Lastly, we send a HUGE shout out to the pros at Milford TV for their hard work in collaborating with us to help Milford voters get to know the candidates. THANK YOU ALL!

WATCH the Forum Videos
Milford TV has published all four of the forum videos here. We encourage all of Milford’s voters to watch each of the videos to meet the candidates and hear what they have to say about their ideas for our community.

Did We Miss Your Questions?
Dozens of Milford voters sent in questions for us to pose to all of the candidates, and we apologize that we were not able to include every single question. If we missed yours, we invite you to contact each of the candidates directly. You can find contact information on our 2020 Milford Candidates page.

Vote Early by MAIL NOW!
Get your Early Voting Application NOW by downloading and printing it. You can also call the Town Clerk’s office at (508) 634-2307 to ask for an application to be mailed to you.

Because Town Hall is closed to the public, you can return your early voting application by one of four ways:

  • Mail it to Town Hall, 52 Main Street, Milford, MA 01757
  • Fax it to (508) 634-2324
  • Email it to
  • Drop it off at the drop box at Town Hall

A ballot will be mailed to you as soon as the Town Clerk receives your signed application.

The deadline to apply to vote Early by Mail is noon on June 15, but if you need an application and /or Early Voting ballot mailed to you, the Town Clerk asks you to request or complete an application as soon as possible to expedite the mailing process.

While everyone will adhere to social distancing and safety precautions related to COVID-19 on election day (June 16), the Town Clerk strongly encourages all registered voters to take advantage of the opportunity of Early Voting by Mail.


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