Citizens for Milford hosted a Candidates Forum featuring the candidates for State Representative of the Tenth Worcester district, as well as the candidates for State Senator of the Worcester and Norfolk district on October 16, 2018. The two incumbents (State Representative Brian Murray, Democrat; and State Senator Ryan Fattman, Republican) and their respective challengers (Sandra Slattery Biagetti, Republican; and Tom Merolli, Democrat) joined approximately 100 area voters to share their visions for the community and answer voters’ questions. Watch the video–courtesy of the pros at Milford TV–below. Thank you Milford TV!
Citizens for Milford extends its sincerest gratitude to all four candidates for their public service to their districts and for taking the time to participate in this important community forum. We also thank everyone who joined us for the forum, as well as St. Mary’s Church for allowing us to hold this event in their Parish Hall. We urge all registered voters to GO VOTE on November 6!